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By His Stripes, I'm Healed!

Sept. 4, 2018

1. Thank you for joining Farfromacurse to share your testimony. Please introduce yourself to the viewers and readers and let them know who you are and why you’re joining #TestimonyTuesday :)

Hey everyone, I’m Aleyna! I’m joining #TestimonyTuesday because I want to share how I was saved from hemorrhaging and how I went through a divorce at 20 years old.

2. Give the readers/viewers top three interesting facts about you.

a. I was the first graduating class of the renowned Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, Georgia.

b. I aspire to become a United Nations diplomat. c. Last year, I went on a disaster relief missionary trip with my church in Houston and one of the families we helped were former members of the KKK. We didn’t know this until towards the end of the trip. It was amazing how we were still able to show God’s love when we found out regardless of the things we learned about them.

3. Please explain to us where you were in your life when this health issue occurred.

I got married at 19 in the month of January and my hemorrhaging started a month and a half later. Hemorrhaging is perfused bleeding from your vagina and it doesn’t stop flowing.

4. How was your first doctor’s visit?

It was very weird because before I knew the diagnosis, I honestly thought my period was just coming back for a vengeance due to my menstrual cycle skipping a month prior. Then my period came back very heavy in the month of February. I was having symptoms that included: being long winded, fainted constantly, very lethargic, and experienced many dizzy spells. It ended up taking me three months to go to the doctor. The doctor eventually tested my blood and I learned my hemoglobin level was at six. The normal hemoglobin level for women is 12, so I lost half of the blood in my body because I was not making any new blood cells. My blood level ended up dropping to 5.0 and I had to get a blood transfusion.

5. Does this happen to run in your family?

My mother had fibroids in her 40's and blood conditions in some capacity runs in my family. My mother eventually had to get a hysterectomy for her condition.

6. Did the doctors say you had the same health condition as your mother?

They tested me for fibroids and all other blood deficiencies tests and all of the results were negative. The doctors never truly understood why I was bleeding. Their remedy was to put me on birth control pills to stop the bleeding but it never did. I received a very high dosage and I took five of the same pills every single day. I experienced an unfavorable side effect with birth control pills, which was gaining an excessive amount of weight.

7. I remember when you mentioned to me once that you were trying to get pregnant with your husband. I’m assuming the health condition prevented that for you. Do you know if people are able to get pregnant while hemorrhaging?

I’m not a doctor but from my understanding, most of the time when someone is hemorrhaging it is usually linked to fibroids which may cause difficulty conceiving. However, in my case I tested negative for fibroids and all other blood tests. The doctors just told me that they did not think I would get pregnant. They said that I would possibly need help in getting pregnant, so the doctors suggested I get a hysterectomy. Mind you, I’m 20 years old and I was trying to have a child with my ex-husband but I refused to get one. I wasn’t going to allow them to speak that over my life. I proclaimed, “I’m going to have children!”

8. When did the bleeding stop? Did you ever think it would stop?

The bleeding stopped 11 ½ months later in the following year. I believed it would stop but I didn’t have extreme faith. I wasn’t praying continually and believing that God was going to do something miraculous. I literally had the faith of a mustard seed and I didn’t think God would come through the way he did. Initially, I thought this entire issue was an attack on my womb. Therefore, I began praying against the enemy’s plans and generational curses. I didn’t understand this was way deeper than that. My prayers were surface level compared to what was really going on in my life. I wasn’t truly asking God what he was actually doing. I comfortably assumed the enemy was causing everything bad to happen.

9. How do you attribute your healing to God coming through for you?

Towards the end of 2016, my marriage was going downhill and about a month later, the blood started to dissipate. It was going away quite rapidly. I remember subtle changes to my stability. I was not experiencing dizzy spells anymore and I could walk up stairs without breathing heavy. I realized something unusual was going on. Just to note, in the midst of our marriage, Godly community didn’t surround us. I left my family and moved to a whole other state without my parents blessing. I was away from family and I didn’t have any Godly friends. We didn’t have anyone covering us in prayer. However, now I look back and realize the marriage was never ordained by God (Gotta save that explanation for another time).

So in January I decided to go to church for myself. I went to church because I wanted to restore my marriage. I remember praying for marriage restoration but I was honestly praying for the wrong thing. God really wanted me to pray for my salvation and to never put a man before him. Instead, I was praying for God to cover our marriage, but how can He cover something He never said was supposed to happen and He never put His hand over? Therefore, it was falling apart because it was His will to. That’s why the marriage went down the drain. (Back to the story lol), I developed anemia due to the excessive blood loss and when I went back to the doctor before the court date, she tested me and said she didn’t see any signs of anemia! I was shook! The last doctor told me he saw low blood levels and I wasn’t making any blood cells but the new doctor said she didn’t see any signs of anemia at all! I was so mesmerized. I remember thinking, “This doesn’t make any sense!” at that moment, all I could do was praise God and look back at everything He brought me through.

10. Seems like whenever you started going to church, incorporating prayer, and being around Godly community, Gods plan for you wasn’t going to stop any of the “mistakes” you experienced by getting married before your time---

I wouldn’t call it a mistake because the demise of my marriage was the demise I needed for my life. I was hardheaded like nobody’s business! I needed to be humble and brought to my knees. I needed to be broken. I needed to be pieced back together by God’s hands so that when He’s done working with me, everyone would see the God in me. When He pieces me back together, He would put His self at the throne of my heart and take my ex- or any other idols off my heart. I don’t see it as a mistake! I was brought to God more than ever because of the marriage. I really sought after Him on a continuous basis.

11. What’s your advice to anyone going through an unexplainable health issue? How would you tell them to have faith?

Anyone going through a health issue, I would definitely say prayer changes things. It may sound cliché but there is true power in prayer. Even when you don’t know the words to pray, just say hallelujah! Just thank Him where you are now and appreciate the small simple things. All of this attributes to having the faith of a mustard seed. You have to have that small amount of faith that something is going to happen, no matter how you may feel. I was weak every day, I fainted regularly, I was a mess but I just knew God was going to heal me. I just didn’t know to what capacity. Also, it may be hard but don’t think about yourself at the moment. Have the end in mind. Think about how God is going to pull you out of the ashes. I know it’s easier said than done but I’m telling you, when you pray, get on knees, and realize He’s God, there’s no telling what He will do for you.

12. What type of advice would you give to someone who might be going through a divorce and feels like their life is falling apart?

God is in control I know what it feels like. I know how depressed you might feel. I remember being in church and the preacher was saying that when you have a wound you have to apply pressure to stop the bleeding. That stuck out to me so much because I realized in order for God to mold me, He had to apply pressure to my life. That meant it wasn’t always going to be ‘lala land’. This means, you are going to go through the deepest valleys that is enroute to your victory. However, for me in the moment, it was somewhat hard to see how God was going to transform my life and make me whole again but in the midst of it I decided to praise Him. I know I said that in the last answer but praise is how you gain your strength.

Get in the prayer closet, write down names on a post it note, pray over your sins, and pray over anything that comes to your mind. Put pictures of your loved ones there too. If you’re fighting for your God ordained marriage put that persons face up there. Nevertheless, even if it’s not ordained you still have a responsibility to pray for their soul because at the end of the day whether you guys stay married or not, they’re soul matters more than anything. Therefore, speak life and victory over them no matter what. Moreover, send back anything from the pits of hell that is not of God. Ladies and gents, get in the prayer closet! As I said before, I was praying for the wrong things. So dig deep and ask God what you’re supposed to pray for. Our tongue is extremely powerful, so we have to make sure were praying for what God wants us to have. If not, you’ll start thinking you have an unanswered prayer but really God is just saying that’s not the prayer you’re supposed to pray and I’m not supposed to answer that.

13. So Aleyna, where are you now?

May 15, 2017 was the date my divorce settled and I was going through a very hard time. I was depressed and extremely sad as mentioned before. I told myself I was not going to be the same woman the following year! I told myself I was going to be strong physically and spiritually. After my divorce, I got involved with Victory World Church, plugged into a small group, which surrounded me by Godly community. I had women who would constantly cover me in prayer. I was able to be open and convey my inner thoughts with them. From there I developed my purpose in Christ. I was able to fight for what I wanted and fight for what God really wanted me to do.

In the midst of this, I ended up losing 40 pounds and I gained my calling. I passed my ASVAB way higher than I thought and went to MEPS on May 15, 2018. I ended up qualifying for a job I never thought I would get. God blessed me more than I imagined. I concluded that, when you have faith in Christ and choose not to doubt, you uncloud your vision and uncloud your mind. You are allowing Him to move in your life and you are letting him be God. This denounces you as being your own god and you are letting Him reign and lead the way.

Check out the video below if interested in watching the interview :) Hope you enjoy!

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